Helping Kids Help Kids

Kid Clothes For Kids

We want every child to be able to choose their own clothes. It’s not that hard, right? But when you take into account all the clothes that have words they can’t read and logos for companies they know nothing about, you realize that they have less say in the matter than they should. Sure, they like the blue shirt. But then they go around all day with no idea what’s on the front of the shirt. LemonThreads provides clothes that children can understand and really choose.

Helping Foster Kids

Children in foster care often are taken from their homes with little-to-no clothing. While programs provide clothes for them, they don’t always have new things. LemonThreads has a mission to provide new, trendy clothing to these children who have lost basically everything. With every item of clothing you buy, we donate that same item to a child that size in foster care.

Your Role

As an adult buying clothes for a child, there are two things you can do to join our mission.

First, involve your child in choosing their clothes. Children should have a say in what they wear, and so involving them in the buying decision gives them more power and independence.

Second, as you and your child shop at LemonThreads, explain to them about donating to children in foster care. Your child can get excited about helping people and this can help you foster a desire to serve others in them!

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